Good Managers Make Good Teams — An 8-Part Checklist for New Managers
Our management training program experience tells us that the majority of team failures are a consequence of poor team management. People manager assessment center data also tells us the opposite holds true — good managers inspire and guide high performing teams. So we surveyed our clients and have created an 8-part checklist for new managers.
Good Teams Make Good Business
Steve Jobs said, “Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people.” As brilliant as he was, Jobs understood that he couldn’t do it alone. Although the movie about him sure made it seem like he tried.
Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common overall vision. And who is responsible for presenting the common vision and guiding team members toward the organizational objectives? It is the team leader or team manager.
Leading a Team Can be a Daunting Task
Inspiring words — but how much of an effect can a manager of a team have? Plenty. It is managers who can make the difference between high and low performance and between high and low levels of team engagement.
An 8-Part Checklist for New Managers
Based upon new manager training best practices, here is a checklist of the attributes it takes to be a good manager.
The Bottom Line
How do you measure up? Self-evaluation can help you zero in on where you need to improve. But the best test is to ask your team what you can do to support them more effectively by using this proven checklist for new managers.
When you are willing to work on improving as a manager, your team members will be more open to improving their behaviors as well.
If you liked the 8-Part Checklist for New Managers, download 7 Immediate Management Actions to Create Alignment with Goals
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