Drive Sales Performance

sales performance

How to Grow Revenue 58% Faster and be 72% More Profitable

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“We hired LSA to help align our sales strategy with our business strategy to sustain our hardware business while driving high growth in software and services. LSA’s ability to measure our level of strategic alignment, pinpoint areas of leverage, and get the entire executive sales team to agree upon what matters most exceeded our expectations.

I would recommend them to any sales leader who wants to drive sales performance.”
Dan Dica | SVP Worldwide Sales | OneSpan

“We selected LSA Global over several other sales providers based upon their ability to clarify and align our sales strategy, their expertise in identifying the critical business sales training scenarios necessary to meet our growth targets and their willingness to stand behind the results with targeted sales coaching and a pay-for-performance guarantee.

They have become an integral part of my sales team as we rapidly scale. I would recommend them to any head of sales looking for a true partner.”
Anthony Lanham | SVP, Sales North America | Jumio

“I have been to so many strategic sales planning sessions over my career that were a complete waste of everyone’s time.  I was very skeptical.

I have never been part of such a compelling, outcome oriented, and valuable session. Given the complexity and intensity of what we faced, I’m very impressed.

We made a ton of progress on alignment and clarity.  You should be very proud of how you are helping us.  Thank you!”
Dan Greene | SVP, Sales & Growth North America | Impossible Foods

“LSA’s ability to get a group of 20+ executives from around the globe on the same page, push their thinking to new heights, and ensure an executable plan was excellent.

I would recommend LSA to anyone looking to take their leaders and sales execution to the next level.”
Rob Sturgeon | Executive Vice President | ServiceSource

According to a recent McKinsey study, a high-performing sales force can boost its share of a customer’s business by 8 to 15 percentage points.  What would that do for your business?

Today’s sales leaders and sales teams are facing increased performance pressure to meet aggressive sales targets, thwart increased competition, raise the talent quality bar, and align with new go-to-market sales strategies.  Executives tell us that sales leaders need to thrive in four key areas:

  1. Develop and execute winning go-to-market sales strategies
  2. Create a high performance sales culture that drives the sales strategy forward
  3. Instill common sales methodologies, practices, and processes to deliver more consistent results
  4. Attract, develop, engage, and retain top sales talent at the right pace

What the Sales Research Says
Our Organizational Alignment Research found that sales leaders who align their sales culture and sales talent with their sales strategy grow revenues 58% faster, are 72% more profitable, have 9-1-to-1 greater leadership effectiveness and 16.8-to-1 higher employee engagement levels.

The highest performing sales leaders:

  • Create go-to-market sales clarity by ensuring all key stakeholders clearly understand the go-to-market sales strategy, have no doubt that leadership is fully committed to the strategy, are highly responsive to change, and believe the sales, marketing, product and service teams are consistently implementing the strategy successfully throughout the organization.
  • Build high performance sales cultures by ensuring their teams clearly understand the desired sales culture, frequently observe the majority of sales leaders modeling the desired behaviors, regularly feel the sales culture motivates top performance, repeatedly receive and share information in a timely manner, and continually believe decisions demonstrate a healthy short- and long- term perspective.
  • Differentiate top sales talent  by ensuring their teams believe the quality of sales talent creates a competitive edge, repeatedly observe the company hiring top sales talent and retaining the majority of their top sales performers, continually have unfettered access to the resources necessary to meet their sales targets, and reliably respond positively to required changes in the business and in the marketplace.

Our research-backed, proven, and systemic approach to sales performance helps sales teams get pointed in the right direction, purposefully shape the sales performance environment for everyone to perform at their peak, and effectively build a differentiated sales force that creates a competitive advantage for you and your customers.

Sales Performance

Please contact us to learn how our sales performance solutions have helped leading organizations create a competitive advantage in six key areas:

  1. Create Go-to-Market Strategic Sales Clarity
  2. Build a High Performance Sales Culture
  3. Attract Top Sales Talent
  4. Develop World Class Sales Leaders, Managers, and Reps
  5. Engage and Retain Top Talent
  6. Our Sales Guarantee – Pay for Performance

Ask us about Sales Performance Pay-for-Performance options and how to move the sales metrics that you care most about.  Typical sales metrics that we move include:

  • Sales revenue, margin, win rate, portfolio mix, deal size, and cycle time.
  • Customer acquisition, loyalty, growth, and satisfaction.
  • Leadership execution effectiveness of key corporate strategies.
  • Employee attraction, development, performance, engagement, and retention.
  • Project cost, quality, and time.

Related Information

LSA Global demonstrated excellent expertise in sales and sales leadership, spent the time required to make sure the objectives were clear, and showed flexibility in shaping and sustaining everything that they did.

They “MEDRADized” the session to meet our unique needs, looked beyond the obvious, and got the key points across in a way that made sense.  Thank you!

Doug Stantial
North America Sales Training Manager

LSA’s introduction and continuous reinforcement of the MEDRAD objectives, vision, and mission were very impressive. The majority now understands and is openly able to verbalize these key items.

LSA did a wonderful job introducing the importance of sales coaching and reinforcement and was able to keep everyone focused.

Cindy Steffen
National Manager, Telesales

Seagate has always found LSA to be a highly valuable consulting, training, and coaching resource.

The recent business sales training programs they’ve delivered for Seagate University have been the right solution, of highest of quality, and highly customized to our unique business and culture.

I would highly recommend LSA to any company interested in offering top notch learning solutions that make a difference.

Tammy Dujmovich
Sales, Marketing & Customer Service


In an effort to establish a solid foundation of consultative selling skills for our client-facing teams that can be built on over time, we engaged with LSA Global. By understanding our business and our markets, LSA Global was able to design and deliver the relevant sales skills, tools, and processes that have established the foundation for our future success.

We are extremely satisfied with our decision to work with LSA.  Thank you!.”

Kevin Wiley
Chief Operating Officer


We hired LSA to help align our sales strategy with our business strategy to sustain our hardware business while driving high growth in software and services. LSA’s ability to measure our level of strategic alignment, pinpoint areas of leverage and get the entire executive sales team to agree upon what matters most exceeded our expectations.

I would recommend them to any sales leader who wants to drive sales performance.

Dan Dica
SVP Worldwide Sales


We value the relationship we have with LSA Global. They customize and deliver top quality sales solutions when we needed them. They pay special attention to ensuring the solution fits our unique needs, business, and culture.

I would recommend them to anyone looking to greatly improve the skills of their sales force.

Carol M. Harbin
Manager, Worldwide Sales L&D


We needed a way to improve customer training. We had to reach a disparate group of people in a very short period time. LSA gave us a new training methodology and a better way to go to market with our customer training that improved their experience and our brand positioning.

LSA delivered exactly what we needed and exceeded our expectations.  Thank you.

Hinda Chalew
Vice President of Marketing

LSA Global rocks! Thank you for helping our executive team get aligned by creating a powerful and clear strategic direction and go to market sales growth plan that we could all fully commit to.

From a sales growth perspective, I am really energized about the outcome and grateful for what I have learned throughout the strategic clarity facilitation process.

Stacey Wong
VP Sales


We engaged with LSA Global to deliver a highly customized sales territory planning and management workshop. They have a unique ability to quickly understand our business and needs. This keen understanding allowed for a sales solution that was specific and impactful.

Their sales consultants and facilitators were well prepared and ingrained themselves to become one of us. We’ve come to see LSA Global as a true sales partner.

Pratiksha Patel
Assistant Vice President Talent


The sales negotiations training program was awesome. The facilitator was excellent. We are immediately able to see the relevance and apply it to our specific. The preparation and energy was very apparent. The facilitator did a great job keeping everyone engaged and focused on what mattered most to our success.

I am very pleased with the results and like the very relevant and applicable sales negotiations tools. Great job!

Jack Lord
Vice President of Sales

Blackhawk Network

We selected LSA Global over several other sales experts based upon their ability to clarify and align our sales strategy, their expertise in identifying the critical sales scenarios necessary to meet our growth targets, and their willingness to stand behind the results with targeted sales management training and coaching and a pay-for-performance guarantee.

They have become an integral part of my sales team as we rapidly scale. I would recommend them to any sales  leader looking for a true partner.

Anthony Lanham
SVP, Sales North America


LSA custom designed and delivered the best sales training session that I have ever attended.

They focused on our industry, our customers, and our competitors. The materials and facilitators were world class.

They were passionate about helping our global sales force understand the fundamentals necessary to be successful and not leave money on the table.

I recommend them to any sales force looking to drive profitable revenue and beat the competition.

Carl Dickenson
Director of Sales


LSA is a great and high quality training and consulting resource. In less than a week turnaround time, they were able to design and deliver a ‘best in class’ inside sales solution to meet my team’s unique needs.

They definitely met my high expectations and were very responsive to my specific objectives.  Thank you!

Olivia Flach
Americas Retail Sales


We turned to LSA Global to help us take our executive selling and solution selling skills to the next level.

Their ability to formally assess our sales situation, identify key sales skill gaps, develop a plan to measure the results, and fully implement a key sales initiative has been outstanding.

LSA delivers the full solution; not just sales training.  I recommend them to any organization looking to transform its sales force the “right way” to sell higher and wider.

Daniel Heckman
Director of Sales-Enterprise Accounts


LSA always delivers the right sales and sales management solutions to meet our unique needs. I especially appreciate their ability to deeply understand our business and our culture so that they can design the most valuable and impactful outcomes for us and our clients.

Sarah Parks
Senior Project Manager


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