Values are a critical component to creating and sustaining a high performance culture
We believe a company’s corporate values are a critical component to creating and sustaining a high performance culture.
Our corporate values represent the core beliefs that we collectively stand for. They drive our behaviors and decisions. At LSA we have five central values:
People (we call them takers) who do not live this value sell “stuff” to clients without focusing on measurably impacting the client’s business.
People (we call them slackers) who do not live this value do not try figure it out on their own and let problems fester without effectively resolving them.
People (we call them troublemakers) who do not live this value have “gossipy hallway conversations” instead of 1×1 meetings to resolve issues, do not finish tasks on time, fail to set or manage expectations early, and often resort to politics, pointing fingers, or blaming others.
People (we call them renters) who do not live this value put themselves above the team, do not give it their “all,” and are just punching the clock to get through the day.
People (we call them jerks) who do not live this value get in unconstructive arguments, become defensive, and attack others personally.
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