Best Practices Whitepaper Download: 7 Immediate Management Actions to Create Alignment with Goals.
Your employees may have their oars in the water, but do they know in what direction the boat is headed? And if so, do they understand how their oars can best move the team and the organization toward its goal? Successful new managers and experienced managers know that Alignment with Goals is critical to create higher employee engagement, retention and performance. And our annual employee engagement research backs them up. Based upon surveying over 500,000 employees each year as part of the Best Places to Work Contest, we know that three “Alignment with Goals” questions matter most for managerial effectiveness. In terms of goal alignment, the most effective managers have employees that rate three questions higher than their lower performing peers.
Employees, who rate these questions higher, perform better in terms of four key managerial effectiveness metrics: (1) Employee Relations Risk. (2) Profitability. (3) Employee Engagement and Retention. and (4) Customer Engagement. This research-backed whitepaper looks at the concrete actions your managers can take to improve alignment with goals by ensuring that their direct reports know how they fit into the company’s future plans, understand the company’s plans for future success, and how their job helps the organization achieve success. Ensure your new managers and experienced leaders help employees put their oars in the water to best move the team toward its goal.
To download the 7 Immediate Management Actions to Create Alignment with Goals Best Practices Whitepaper, please complete the form.
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