Do You Know How to Set Up Your Team for Success?
Teams of people, not individuals, most often drive results in companies these days. Teams that fail often lack clear direction, are unable to manage conflict, and have misaligned incentive systems. Teams that succeed have clear goals, work well together, and are well-suited to the job at hand.
High Performing Teams
Even though building high performing teams is a critical success factor, too many leaders ask their teams to get work done without setting them up to succeed. Companies that understand how to build high performing teams are companies that manage their talent right, individual by individual, job by job, role by role, team by team.
Three Steps to Set Up Your Team for Success
To set up your teams for success, start by following these three team tips:
Once goals and roles are accepted, it is time to agree on standards of behavior, a process for decision making, and a method for resolving conflicts that may arise. Your objective is to promote trust, collaboration, openness, and continuous improvement.
The Bottom Line
When you as a team leader can help set the team’s purpose and standards, their priorities and activities, their appreciation for each other’s strengths, you equip your team for success. Are you taking the time required up front to set your team up for success?
To learn more about how to set your team up for success, download How Much Can you You’re your Team to Do More – The Science Behind Performance Expectations
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