The Difference between Selling and Helping Customers to Succeed

The Difference between Selling and Helping Customers to Succeed
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Top Performing Sales Reps Add Value
Experienced sales managers know that he difference between selling and helping customers to succeed cannot be overemphasized.  Selling solutions is not just about you, your products, or your sales quota.  Selling solutions is about creating measurable value for your customers.  Selling solutions is about helping your customers to succeed — personally and professionally.

Low Performing Sales Reps Try to Close Deals
Selling a solution that matters to the customer is very different from selling a product without regard to the customer’s wants or needs.  The difference is in the salesperson’s perspective and purpose.  Low performing sales reps prioritize pushing products, meeting internal targets, and closing deals ahead of the best interests of their customers.

What High Performing Sales Reps Do Differently
High performing sales reps understand the difference between selling and helping your customers to succeed.  They behave differently in two key areas:

  1. Customer Focus
    The biggest difference between “just selling” and helping your customers to succeed has to do with customer focus.  The best solution sellers understand their customer’s business and focus on solving important customer problems in a way that makes sense for the customer’s unique situation.  They excel at identifying what matters most, linking their solutions to customer priorities and articulating their unique value-add.

    If you want to improve sales performance, help your sales reps improve customer intimacy by having enough knowledge of the client’s industry, business, organization, and the client themselves that they can add unique and measurable value.

  2. Conviction
    We define sales conviction as your most deeply held beliefs about the value of your role, your offerings, and your contribution.  Sales conviction strongly influences how sales reps present new ideas, which in turn influences those around them.  Sales reps who believe that their company and their solutions can make a difference deliver an average of 12.4% more revenue than their equally skilled and experienced peers.

The Bottom Line
When you deeply focus on your customer rather than on what you have to sell and when you deeply believe in the purpose and value of your offering, your sales performance will increase.  Pushing a sale without a sense of what you can do for your customer and how you can support their success is only a temporary win.  The personal and professional value that you get from providing something your customer truly needs is worth the effort.

To learn more about the difference between selling and helping your customers to succeed, download The Top Sales Skills to Challenge Customers to Help Them to Succeed

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