Organizational Change Is Here to Stay
Can you think of any business that can stay competitive without changing? Whether large or small, some kind of change is always required to stay one step ahead. So the question becomes – How to Prepare for Organizational Change?
Change Readiness
One of the critical factors of successful change is the preparation — what we call change readiness — for change. Change readiness is all about laying the groundwork so that the rationale for change is urgent enough, the plan for change is effectively communicated, the vision for change is clear, and the expectations are set with sufficient systems in place to create accountability.
A Compelling Case for Change
Resistance is a natural reaction to change. Most employees question why they should learn another way to do their job — especially those who believe that what they have been doing has served them well so far. Effective change leaders make a compelling case for change in a way that convinces employees that it is worth their while to expend the time and energy to behave differently.
The best leaders know how to prepare for organizational change.
What Employees Say They Need to Come On Board
Here is what employees say they need from their change leaders:
Be sure you acknowledge their struggles and that you empathize with how this disrupts their lives both personally and professionally.
The Bottom Line
The better you prepare your workforce for change and actively involve stakeholders in the process, the easier the change will be.
To learn more about how to prepare for organizational change, download 5 New Ways Leaders Need to View Organizational Change
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