5 New Lenses of Successful Change Leadership Whitepaper Download.
While successful corporate change often seems impossible, it can and has been done. The Five Lenses of Change Leadership provides a proven framework for designing and implementing successful corporate change efforts. The lenses enable leaders who are pursuing large scale corporate change to expand beyond their preferred lens to increase the likelihood for success. To put the five lenses in perspective, let’s start by examining why most corporate change efforts fail.
A lens is a way of looking at one important aspect of change. Using all the lenses together ensures a complete picture of the change. By using different lenses separately, you can bring various aspects of the change into greater focus. Successful Change Leaders understand and utilize each of these lenses. Change is hard. Successful large scale corporate change is rare. We know that a balanced approach to change offers the greatest chance for success. If you are a leader pursuing change, do not underestimate the power of embracing relationships, culture, stakeholders, structure, and information to get the job done.
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