5 New Manager Basics for Being an Effective Leader

5 New Manager Basics for Being an Effective Leader
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Get the New Manager Basics Right
Only 25% of employees say that their companies are good at helping individuals transition into their first managerial roles.  Even if you have been in a management position for a long time, it’s never too late to review the new manager basics and take stock of how you are doing. We can all improve by taking a more thoughtful and more situational approach to leadership.

5 New Manager Basics
Just as you expect your team to continuously improve their performance, apply the same yardstick to your own performance as a manager.  How well are you doing with the following five new manager basics?

  1. Set Crystal Clear Expectations
    It is your responsibility to be sure your employees know exactly what is asked and expected of them in terms of results (doing) and behaviors (being). Each direct report should understand their role on the team and the scope of where they need to focus to get the job done in a way that makes sense vis-a-vis the overall company strategy and cultural norms.

    You will know that you are headed in the right direction when your team can articulate not only the goals, roles, scope, inter-dependencies, and metrics for success but also how their contribution fits into overall company success.

    This level of strategic clarity will allow your team to better prioritize, make decisions, manage conflict, and allocate resources.

  2. Communicate Clearly and Frequently
    Once the strategy, goals, and roles are clear, your next job a a new supervisor is to ensure the timely flow of information.  In fact, our organizational alignment research found that the timely flow of information had the fourth highest correlation to revenue growth, profitability, customer retention, and employee engagement.

    At a minimum, make sure that people feel well informed about issues going on within the company, have enough information and resources to do their job well, and believe that their ideas are taken seriously and followed up on.  Do not underestimate the importance of clear two-way communication in terms of engaging and retaining top talent.

  3. Be Open-Minded
    If you are open to new ideas as a new supervisor, you will be more apt to actually hear them – especially from those on the front line who know best how an adjustment here and there could make things better.

    Listen to your employees in the trenches and consider their suggestions and feedback. Stay flexible and ready to adopt a new way of doing things if warranted.

  4. Don’t Avoid Dealing with Conflict
    There are many reasons for conflict in the workplace from interpersonal issues to compensation disagreements. Good managers address conflict directly, fairly, and in a timely manner. If you let a conflict fester, it will only grow. Listen carefully and empathetically to the problems and take decisive action as needed.
  5. Set Aside Time to Plan and Reflect
    If you are like most new managers you are expected to be a player (get work done) and a coach (lead and develop your team) at the same time.  But unless you set aside time to plan for the future and reflect upon what is working and not working, you will most likely not be lifting the performance of your team.

    Good managers learn from their mistakes and are able to prioritize their tactical activities day-by-day while keeping the big picture in mind and thinking ahead.

The Bottom Line
85% of new managers receive no formal training prior to becoming a new manager.  If you want to set your new managers up for success, ensure that your new manager training teaches them the new manager basics of setting expectations, communicating, being open-minded, managing conflict, and being reflective.

To learn more new manager basics, download 5 Management Misperceptions that Slip Up Too Many New Managers

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