Misunderstood Corporate Strategies Undermine Success
Misunderstood corporate strategies threaten your success. Often developed during a formal strategy retreat, a corporate strategy is the plan you create to achieve specific goals. Without the guidelines of a clear strategy, it is difficult for leaders and employees to collectively seek the right new opportunities, make aligned decisions, and conduct day-to-day business in a way that moves the strategy forward.
Strategic clarity sounds important, doesn’t it?
The Importance of Strategic Clarity
Our organizational alignment research found that strategic clarity accounts for 31% of the difference between high and low performance in terms of revenue growth, profitability, customer loyalty, leadership effectiveness, and employee engagement.
If you want to perform at your peak, you need your strategy to be clear, believable, and implementable enough across the organization. And yet, as business consultants for over thirty years, we are constantly amazed at how few companies have designed a strategy that is coherent and well understood by their key stakeholders.
How Clear Is Your Strategy?
Our research found that employees on average find their company’s strategy to be half as clear as their boss. Recent research by Timothy Devinney et. al. at Sydney, Australia’s University of Technology asked employees of 20 major Australian corporations with strategies that had been fully and publicly expressed to select their business’ strategy from among six possibilities. Less than 33 percent identified their own company’s strategy!
Unfortunately, many corporate strategies are either unclear or not getting through to their employees.
The Consequences of a Misunderstood Corporate Strategy
Here are a few of the negative effects of a misunderstood corporate strategy.
The Bottom Line
Can your employees articulate your strategic priorities and the rationale behind them? Make sure they can in their own words, or you might suffer the negative effects of misunderstood corporate strategies.
To learn more about creating a clear, believable, and implementable corporate strategy, download 3 Big Mistakes to Avoid When Cascading Your Corporate Strategy
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