Cascading Your Corporate Strategy Best Practices Whitepaper Download
Three Big Mistakes to Avoid When Cascading Your Corporate Strategy.
It is one thing to draft a compelling strategic plan with your executive team. It is an entirely different and more challenging matter to execute that strategy effectively and consistently through the organization. While cascading your corporate strategy takes preparation, dedication and hard work, a clear strategy is worth the investment.
Our organizational alignment research shows that strategic clarity accounts for 31% of the difference between high and low performing organizations. In order to cascade your strategy, each and every employee (with a heavy emphasis on line management) must have enough understanding of, belief in and commitment to where you are going, why it is important to go there, how to get there and the specific role they are expected to play.
Executing a new strategy is never easy. If you want your employees to personally commit to the struggle required to take the company to the next level, do not underestimate the importance of building the right mindset, plans and capabilities to pull it off.
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