Is Your Corporate Culture Aligned With Your Strategy?
If you think corporate culture change is hard, try to implement a business strategy (what you are trying to achieve) that is out of alignment with the current organizational culture (how stuff gets done). Many leaders have found out the hard way that it simply can’t happen. Is your corporate culture aligned with your strategy?
Why the Alignment of Strategy and Culture Matters for Your Business Performance
How to Change and Align Organizational Culture to Best Drive Strategy Forward
First and foremost it takes leaders who understand that a company’s culture is not just about high performance but also takes into account aspects of company behavior that are uniquely relevant to the organization’s specific strategic goals. For example, should your…
These are all organizational culture questions that can only be answered vis-à-vis a clear and compelling business strategy. Systems, practices, and processes must align with the strategic intent to make sure they encourage, support, and sustain desired actions and behaviors.
4 Steps to Ensure Your Corporate Culture is Aligned With Your Strategy
Here are four high-level steps to follow as you shape your corporate culture to align with and drive your business strategy forward:
Because strategies must go through your organizational culture and people to be implemented, strategic ambiguity is the first roadblock to culture change. Without strategic clarity, leaders stand little chance of shifting the cultural and team norms to accelerate the strategic priorities.
Too many leaders seek to change culture without a true strategic direction. This is a mistake if you want corporate culture aligned with your strategy. Strategic clarity comes first.
Assessing your current organizational culture provides an accurate foundation to shift from. Too many leaders confuse their current culture with their aspired culture. Before you embark on corporate culture change, have your employees tell you the truth about your workplace culture.
Prioritize the one or two cultural shifts that will have the greatest impact on moving your strategy forward. Then create a culture change plan to make them happen.
You may need to intervene with training or resources to make sure employees understand the importance of their role and are committed to changing for the betterment of all.
The Bottom Line
Corporate culture and strategy are inextricably connected. If you want to outperform your peers, create a clear strategy, align your workplace culture with that strategy where it matters most and then create accountability and rewards to sustain the new way of doing things. Is your corporate culture aligned with your strategy?
To learn more about how to align your culture with your strategy, download How to Build a Purposeful and Aligned Corporate Culture.
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