Employee Engagement and Managers
Higher levels of employee engagement correlate to 18% greater productivity, 12% higher customer satisfaction, and 51% less voluntary turnover. From a manager’s perspective, our employee engagement survey results tell us that higher employee engagement scores correlate to more discretionary effort, advocacy, and loyalty from their team.
So, the question becomes, how can we make employee engagement easier for managers who already have so much on their plates?
Managers Drive Employee Engagement
Even with 100% commitment from HR to communicate the importance of engagement across the company, managers need to buy into the message, or employee engagement efforts will be diluted. We know from assessing organizational cultures that managers must set the tone and create the environment where engagement can take hold and flourish.
The Engagement Stumbling Block for Managers
All too often employee engagement is presented to managers as simply another task to add to their long list of objectives. What HR and senior leaders need to do is to both convince managers of how engagement will help them achieve team goals and to make it easy for them to successfully implement engagement initiatives.
7 Field-Tested Ways to Make Employee Engagement Easier for Managers
To ease managers’ burden, leaders can provide managers with the right tools and technology to:
Then give managers and their teams the tools, time, and resources to take meaningful employee engagement actions. Why? Because employees who see action after an engagement survey are twelve times more likely to be engaged the following year compared to those who do not see follow-up.
The Bottom Line
Employee engagement matters. Make sure your managers understand its importance and support them by making it easy to more effectively engage their teams.
To learn more about how to make employee engagement easier for managers, download The Top 10 Most Powerful Ways to Boost Employee Engagement
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