How to Increase Your Team’s Focus During Change

How to Increase Your Team’s Focus During Change
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Increase Your Team’s Focus During Change
Change often creates ambiguity, distractions, and competing priorities.  Just think what your team could accomplish if they were able to increase their focus during organizational change.  We know how much more effective we can be as individuals when we approach our work with purpose, confidence, and discipline.

And date from our change management simulation tells us that focus is exponentially more important with a virtual team during change.

If your leaders can marshal their team’s motivation, infuse them with meaning, and reduce interruptions, you’ll be able to increase your team’s focus, performance, and engagement during change.

What You Can Do to Increase Your Team’s Focus During Change

  1. Set the Stage for Increased Focus
    While it can be tempting to move to action, change management consulting experts know that you need to properly set the stage for change to be successful.  That means having a clear vision for change, a compelling business case for change, a collective sense of urgency for change, and a thoughtful plan for success.  It also means doing what you can to reduce stress and ambiguity for the team.

    Each goal should be meaningful and feel achievable with concerted, collaborative effort. Let team members know that you truly believe they are up to the challenge and then design job assignments according to what each team member does well and what they like to do. Maintain open communication so they know you are ready, willing, and able to help them deal with any problems that arise.

    Before embarking on change, proactively and visibly clear the decks of unnecessary tasks and lower priority meetings so everyone can focus on the work that matters most.
  2. Celebrate the Small Wins
    Some goals may seem so far in the future that it can be hard to maintain focus and momentum. The trick is to track progress and celebrate it bit-by-bit. Each step forward brings the team closer to the finish line and increases their belief that the end is in sight.

    It’s like losing weight. It happens pound by pound. Each pound lost deserves a pat on the back. Even if there’s a temporary gain, the dieter can feel confident they can move once again in the right direction.

    Are you adequately recognizing progress?
  3. Provide Feedback and Listen
    Effective change leaders guide and encourage their team and provide support when things go wrong. Use missteps as teachable moments and help the team reflect on what worked and what didn’t so there is continuous learning and growth.

    Then make sure that you listen to what the team needs in order to stay the course.
  4. Role Model the Desired Behaviors
    Your team takes their cues from you. Your confident attitude and support will go far to sustain both morale and focus.  If you want your team to be committed to new goals, you need to be consistently and firmly committed to them first. 

    Work hard to visibly allocate your energy, resources, and time to the new areas of focus.

The Bottom Line
Even competent teams can lose focus and be waylaid by distractions and too heavy a workload. As team leader, are you helping them find purpose and confidence in their abilities to deliver? Otherwise, an unmotivated, ineffectual, unfocused team could be your legacy.

To learn more about proven ways to better lead your team, download 3 Must-Have Ingredients of High Performing Teams for Managers

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