Client Case Study
AMP is a leading wealth management company with 3,800 employees in Australia and New Zealand. It is Australia’s largest retail and corporate superannuation provider, and one of the region’s most significant investment managers with more than A$92 billion in assets under management. Our focus was on the Customer Service side of the business, in particular the call centers.
The Director of Customer Service was asked to:
In the words of Helen Wells, Director of Customer Service:
“When I joined AMP, I inherited a branch that I thought was particularly soft. We are now generating revenue figures that are greater than any other channel. This, of course, is additionally impressive as it is within a financial service firm among a worldwide financial crisis. I absolutely see this as a result of implementation of the high performance environmental structure.
When I first joined, each individual had a target of $1,500/week. I reevaluated that target and set it at $10,000/week. There was a lot of resistance at the start, but I maintained and enacted the leadership principles. Since inception (less than one year), the average revenue generated per person is $6,000-$8,000/week. I am now in the process of enhancing the rewards mechanism so that I close the gap and achieve an average revenue generation of $10,000/week.
After adopting this high performance culture methodology, I have seen consistent hitting of targets in my business.”
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