How Executives Achieve Strategic Goals Successfully

How Executives Achieve Strategic Goals Successfully
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The Process of Goal Achievement Is Complicated
Strategic clarity accounts for 31% of the difference between high and low performing teams.  Experts know how executives achieve strategic goals successfully.  Achieving strategic goals successfully requires measurement and tracking in order to confirm progress and to signal when and where adjustments need to be made.

But measurement alone does not guarantee strategic goal achievement.  Why?  Because experienced leaders know that the process of setting, communicating, and achieving goals is complicated.

Weight Watchers Example
Just like there is more to strategic goal achievement than metrics, there’s more to weight loss than counting calories.  Ranked as one of the top five diets by U.S. News, Weight Watchers knows that it is critical to make healthier choices and smart behavior changes so that you’ll feel better while losing weight.

While Weight Watchers requires regular weigh-ins; it also utilizes experienced session leaders, a system for establishing better habits, and consistent peer group support.

Achieving Corporate Goals Successfully
Experts know how executives achieve strategic goals successfully by focusing on three additional factors other than measurement:

  1. Consistent Leader Support and Modeling
    Leaders set the stage for success. They create the environment to get the best out of their people.  Leaders must consistently model and reward the way goals should be pursued to set the standard of excellence for others to emulate.That means leaders must be consistent and credible.  If people don’t fully trust their leaders, they won’t give the extra discretionary effort required to get high performance results.

    Leaders must be clear about their guiding principles and engage others in meaningful aspirations and shared values that everyone can commit to.

  2. A Transparent System for Reinforcement
    Changing people and behavior to reach higher performance is tricky. The key to establishing new habits is being clear on why the goal is worth the effort, what it will take in terms of day-to-day activities, and consistent reinforcement of the desired behavior.When leaders prioritize the new behaviors and employees understand how they are contributing to success, employees will work to change their routines and habits to fit the company’s new business goals.
  3. Positive Team Energy
    The positive energy of the team struggling together to reach new heights can drive the fly wheel faster and faster. When team behaviors and priorities are aligned, progress toward the goal is accelerated, and the new behaviors become ever more deeply embedded in the culture.High performing teams show relentless effort and steadfastness in achieving their targets.

The Bottom Line
Measurement is just one facet of strategic goal achievement.  To really move the needle for the long term, be sure you have the commitment of your leaders, a system of reinforcement and a group of positive influencers to push to new heights.

If you liked how executives achieve strategic goals successfully, download 3 Big Mistakes to Avoid When Cascading Your Corporate Strategy

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