Employee Engagement Makes a Difference
We know from our organizational culture assessment data that engaging employees is not just a matter of paying better than the competition. Employee engagement is a combination of effort and initiatives that can unlock employee potential and raise performance across the board.
And employee engagement is not just a nice-to-have. It is essential to a company’s competitive position in the marketplace. Companies that actively invest in engaging their employees are 18% more profitable than those who don’t.
5 Keys to Creating a High Performing, Engaged Workforce
Here is the combination of keys that can boost engagement and unlock employee potential:
1. Invest Heavily In Your Managers
Although you must have fair compensation packages, it’s not money that keeps employees engaged. It is also the pleasure of working with an effective manager. You will know your managers are on the right track when their direct reports:
2. Invest Heavily in Your People
Show that you value your employees’ contributions by investing in their development. No one wants to be stuck in a dead end job. Everyone wants to have a future that builds on increased knowledge and experience.
Give your workers a view of what can be achieved and the hope of reaching their career goals by offering relevant growth opportunities. You will know your managers are on the right track when their direct reports:
3. Communicate the Strategy
Let your workers actively participate in creating the team’s future path. When people can visualize and buy into the leaders’ vision of what the team and the company can achieve, employees are much more likely to put in discretionary effort to make it happen.
Sharing knowledge across functions and from one level to another builds a cohesive workforce that is inspired to pull in the same direction.
You will know your managers are on the right track when their direct reports:
4. Check In Regularly
If you wonder what’s being shared at the water fountain, ask. The more trust you can build on your team, the faster you will know if there’s a problem that needs to be addressed. Meet with the team on a weekly basis if possible and check in with individual team members through one-on-one coaching sessions.
Ask for their ideas on how the team can improve and what you can do to support their success.
5. Balance Hard Work with Some Fun
“All work and no play makes [someone] a dull [employee].” Laughter should be allowed and encouraged. Don’t forget to celebrate when milestones are reached. A team can bond over hard work and a shared sense of humor.
You will know your managers are on the right track when their direct reports:
The Bottom Line
Your company’s future may depend on your managers’ ability to create high level of employee engagement and unlock employee potential. Are you providing your managers with the tools and information to get the most out of their teams?
To learn more about how to unlock employee potential now, download The Top 10 Most Powerful Ways to Boost Employee Engagement
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