Do Your Customers Think that Your Solutions Are Easy to Buy?
While most consultative sellers believe that buyers have the advantage during the sales and negotiation process, customers report being overwhelmed, uncertain, and under tremendous pressure to get it right. If your solutions are easy to buy, you should have a leg up on the competition.
Certainly, as solution sellers, we want to make the buying decision as frictionless as possible for our target clients. But are we succeeding?
The Problem
In a recent sales management training program, sales leaders heard firsthand how buyers are besieged by an overload of information, an expanding range of buying options, and an increase in the number and clout of stakeholders involved in the final decision. With too much data, too many choices, and too many decision makers, buyers struggle to manage internal expectations, do their day job, and feel confident that they are buying the right solution for their unique situation.
What Customer Surveys Have Shown
Interestingly, recent research by CEB backs this up. When sellers are fully responsive to the customer in terms of providing information and options, there is an 18% decrease in so-called purchase ease. By providing whatever support is requested by the customer, sellers actually prolong the buying process and make it more difficult and uncomfortable for most buyers.
Instead, a more prescriptive and value-added sales approach, especially for highly complex solutions, can actually increase buying ease by 86%.
Successful sellers proactively guide the customer through the entire buying process with a clear, concise, and client-centered recommendation-backed rationale that aligns with their unique sales strategy, sales culture, and needs.
How to Make It Easy to Buy from You
In order to succeed, prescriptive guidance must meet three requirements. Your recommendations to buyers must:
Make it as easy as possible for them to succeed internally. Help the customer navigate the different priorities, information needs, and agendas so that they are set up for success.
The Bottom Line
Today’s best sellers proactively guide customers and add value every step along the way. Does your sales team have the sales confidence and competence to help customers sift through the information glut to chart a path toward a solution that is truly in their best interests?
To learn more about how to sell with more confidence and make your solutions easy to buy, download The Top 30 Most Effective Sales Questions in the Eyes of Your Buyers
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