30 Effective Sales Questions that Matter Most

The Most Effective Sales Questions - Hint: Not What is your budget?

30 Effective Sales Questions that Matter Most When Selling Solutions Whitepaper Download.

Contrary to reports touting the demise of the sales rep, according to recent ITSMA research, 70 percent of B2B buyers want to involve a sales rep during the exploration stage to help them work through complex and high stakes buying challenges.  Buyers report wanting education and unique perspectives early in the buying process and then subject matter expertise, bench marking, and best practices later in the buying cycle.

Whatever your sales process, at some point you need to gather the data that will help you fully qualify an opportunity, understand the critical issues and craft the best solution for your client to succeed.

Of all of the potentially effective sales questions, one that reps are most often encouraged to ask is about budget to qualify the opportunity. Many sales forces use budget as the main qualifying factor that gives a red or a green light to continue the pursuit. If there’s sufficient budget, go for it; if there’s not, put on the brakes and look elsewhere for an opportunity that makes more financial sense.

For the most part, understanding what your client is willing to invest is valuable information. In our experience with selling complex solutions, however, budget should not be the most critical filter for pursuing an otherwise potentially sound opportunity.  Is your sales team set up to beat the competition?

To download 30 Effective Sales Questions that Matter Most When Selling Solutions Best Practices Whitepaper, please complete the form.

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