LSA Global Delivers Personal Leadership Branding Workshop for Healthcare Company

LSA Global Delivers Personal Leadership Branding Workshop for Healthcare Company
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Redwood Shores, CA – LSA Global, the leading business consulting, coaching, and training firm that helps fast growth life science, technology, and service companies by powerfully aligning their culture and talent with strategy, today announced results for a customized Personal Leadership Branding Workshop focused on how leaders of this growing and fast-paced healthcare company need and want to show up and add value everyday.

The customized leadership action learning program introduced new mindsets to increase leadership impact when working with others through practical methods and engaging discussion to help navigate the nuances and challenges of leading others.

  • 100% Job Relevance
  • 98.7% Satisfaction
  • 182% Knowledge Gain
  • 94% Net Promoter Score

This fast growing Healthcare client has been strategically focused on growth while building economies of scale. This requires all leaders to have a growth and efficiency mindset. All people leaders are expected to understand the strategic workstreams, articulate their role in the change, create a clear line of sight for people to contribute, build trust in leadership to make decisions in the best interest of patients and employees.

The highly customized Personal Leadership Branding Workshop for people leaders was integrated with an executive strategy retreat and focused on the following areas:

  • Personal Leadership Brand
    A personal leadership brand is the combination of attributes, values, passions, and strengths that differentiate your unique promise as a leader to those you serve. Effective leaders develop the self-awareness to know if there is a gap between their perception of themselves and the reality of how others describe and experience them.

    The first step in becoming an effective people leader is to clearly define what kind of leader you want to be, how you want to show up, and where you want to focus your growth.

    Leaders used interactive points of view, one-on-one and group discussions, experiential activities, and role-plays to define a personal leadership brand that differentiates their unique value and builds trust and confidence with their peers, manager, and stakeholders.

    Leaders clearly articulated the key moments of their story that drives them so they can own its power, be authentic with who they are, and pursue who they aspire to be.
  • Compassion Factor
    Leadership compassion is empathy in action. It requires curiosity, courage, commitment, and a genuine interest to want to help another. Compassion moves leaders from understanding to genuine care.

    Leadership compassion matters because how we interact is fundamental to how work gets done inclusively, respectfully, and collaboratively. Leadership compassion draws people together and is a key skill to aligning the beliefs, behaviors, and leadership habits required for highly effective relationships and exceptional results.

    This interactive module focused on increasing situational intelligence in order to make people feel known, heard, and valued.

About LSA Global
Founded in 1995, LSA Global is the leading performance consulting, coaching, and training firm that helps high growth technology, services, and life-science companies create a competitive advantage by powerfully aligning their culture and talent with their strategy. Learn more about getting aligned.

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