Boosting Consultative Sales Skills at a Leading Provider of Advanced Location-based Solutions

Boosting Consultative Sales Skills at a Leading Provider of Advanced Location-based Solutions
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Redwood Shores, CA – LSA Global, the business consulting and training firm that helps fast growth life science, technology, and service companies by powerfully aligning their culture and talent with strategy, today announced results for a solution selling training program focused on boosting Consultative Sales Skills for a high tech global sales team.

  • 93.4% Job Relevance
  • 97.8% Satisfaction
  • 133% Knowledge Gain
  • 94.4% Net Promoter Score

This customized business sales training workshop taught research-backed Consultative Sales Skills, concepts, and methods to build long-term and win-win relationships with ideal target clients while, at the same time achieving bold revenue and margin goals based upon an updated Unique Value Proposition to beat increased competition.

Based upon sales leadership simulation assessment data, sales reps and sales managers learned what it takes to call higher, act in a more consultative way, align with their customer’s buying process and business goals, qualify more effectively, guide customer decisions, present impactful solutions, manage client objections, and close the sale.

One sales rep shared his take-away was to “put his brain into gear before putting his mouth into action.” Overall the sales team appreciated understanding the importance of thorough sales call preparation and how to bring true client-centered value.  The idea of putting the customer’s needs and priorities first helped to shift sales mindsets to helping their customers to succeed versus only worrying about meeting sales targets.

About LSA Global
Founded in 1995, LSA Global is a leading performance consulting and training firm that helps high growth technology, services, and life-science companies create a competitive advantage by powerfully aligning their culture and talent with their strategy. Learn more about getting aligned.

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