Managers Disagree More Effectively by Disagreeing in a Timely Manner
No group or team, no matter how well they work together in general, will agree 100% of the time. The key to keeping teams moving forward together despite occasional opposing points of view is dealing with the disagreement as soon as possible so it doesn’t fester and cause additional discord. In other words, top managers disagree more effectively.
As a Manager, How You Disagree Matters
The traditional advice has been to deal with the situation first in writing. But recent research claims just the opposite. Rather than address the disagreement in writing, it is far more effective to address the disagreement in person.
The Study
In other words, you would lend more credence to the argument delivered real-time than if simply read online or in a paper.
Implications for the Workplace
What does this mean for leaders, especially inexperienced or new managers, who find themselves on the opposite side of an argument with a team member, peer, or superior? It means that even a carefully worded email may be far less effective than an in-person discussion of the touchy topic.
Tips for Managers on How Managers Disagree More Effectively
Here are two tips on how top managers disagree more effectively by effectively expressing their thoughts and creating a better chance of persuading others to their point of view:
Even if you two don’t come to the same conclusion, you will have shown that you respect the other person’s right to a different opinion. That in itself is a plus on any team.
The Bottom Line
Managers disagree more effectively when they present an argument in person. Whether in your personal or professional life, real-time sharing of different perspectives is far more likely to change someone’s mind than a written presentation. New and experienced managers, take note.
To learn more about how to communicate better as a new manager, download our New Manager Toolkit
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