Ignite Sales Performance with Coaching
Most companies enjoy a boost in sales performance from good sales managers independent of the sales skills of their team members. If you want to ignite sales performance with coaching, sales management matters. In fact, based on over 800 sales training measurement projects, we know that sales managers who effectively coach their sales teams make a 4-to-1 difference in sales performance.
Effective Sales Managers Lead, Manage, and Coach
It would seem a no-brainer that if you want to ignite sales performance with coaching, you need sales leaders and managers who can effectively lead, manage, and coach their sales team. So why did research by revenue.io find that 45.2% of sales reps have received less or no sales coaching in the last two years?
Steps Ignite Sales Performance with Coaching
If your sales managers and leaders do not have the mindset, time, or skills to raise their team’s performance through sales coaching, consider these three steps:
Invest the time and energy to ensure that sales manager and sales leader success is based upon and rewarded by team success. Then help them to learn how to serve and lead others.
They then invest their sales coaching time and effort into two types of sales reps who both have a strong desire to improve and grow — we call them “Achievers” and “Strivers.”Achievers (Invest a medium amount of time and effort)
Sales reps who have a strong desire to improve and grow who are currently meeting or exceeding performance expectations.
Strivers (Invest a high amount of time and effort)
Sales reps who have a strong desire to improve and grow who are currently NOT meeting or exceeding performance expectations.
In addition to saving a lot of time and frustration by not coaching sales reps who do not have the desire to grow or improve, focusing on “on the spot coaching” before or after a sales call can often have a far greater impact than a formal 1-hour coaching conversation well after the fact. Take advantage of teachable moments.
Top sales coaches follow a proven sales coaching process that enables them to consistently and effectively to:
— Diagnose: Accurately assess individual and team sales effectiveness
— Align: Accurately expose sales capability and behaviors gaps and get commitment to change
— Develop: Seamlessly implement an individual sales development plan to close the gaps
The Bottom Line
Low performing sales leaders tend to see sales coaching as time spent away from selling. High performing sales leaders coach their sales reps to higher performance. Unless you are selling the next iPhone, profitable revenue growth takes more than letting sales reps work their accounts with occasional coaching when they ask for it or when they mess up.
Want to up your sales coaching game to improve the solution selling skills of your sales team? Read about the Biggest Sales Coaching Mistakes to Avoid.
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