Types of Sales Negotiation Styles
Much has been written about various sales negotiation styles and how to adapt and flex to them to resolve conflict and make win-win agreements. Sales negotiation styles are basically the high level negotiating methods related to the way people prefer to negotiate.
Keep Your Emotions in Check
Sales negotiations, especially high stakes sales negotiations, can get personal and emotional. Fear, worry, anxiety, and reluctance can derail thoughtful preparation.
Learn to “Reach Across the Aisle”
Most solution sellers are constantly in negotiating mode both internally and externally. It may not always be a formal, sit-down contract negotiation; even a short conversation can be a negotiation as you try to help a client solve a problem or get the right resources.
If you were able to “reach across the aisle” to connect more powerfully with a client who is of a different sales negotiation style, just think how much simpler and easier your conversation could be. Understanding your sales negotiation style and the style of those around you helps get everyone on the same page and minimizes misunderstandings.
Consider These 4 Basic Sales Negotiation Styles to Up Your Game
It can be helpful to think of sales negotiation styles in terms of four different categories. The first two describe people who are likely to be introverts (those who prefer calm environments and regain their energy from spending time alone) and the second two are likely to be extroverts (those who are outgoing and are recharged in social situations).
The Bottom Line
The more you can keep these four sales negotiation styles in mind, the easier the path toward a successful sales negotiation will be. The best salespeople know how to adjust their own style to the style of their customers.
To learn more about how to improve your sales negotiation results, download The 2 Most Common Sales Negotiation Tactics To Be Prepared For
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