3 Employee Engagement Ideas To Reconnect with Your Teams

3 Employee Engagement Ideas To Reconnect with Your Teams
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Employee Engagement ideas
A recent survey conducted by Saba claims businesses are way out of tune with employee engagement ideas that employees actually perceive will improve engagement at their workplace.  It concludes there is a worrisome disconnect between how employers and their employees rate the level of engagement.

Why Is There an Engagement Disconnect?
Because employers rarely ask employees about engagement drivers.  In most organizations, there is no system for continuous feedback from employees on what matters to them. And this is a loaded situation.  Without a finger on the pulse of employees’ well being, a company’s leaders could easily move in a direction that decreases engagement, lowers productivity and morale, and increases turnover.

Three Employee Engagement Ideas To Reconnect with Your Teams
Let’s take a closer look at the employee engagement ideas revealed by the study.

  1. Training and Development Opportunities Matter to Employees
    Almost 50% of the HR managers surveyed felt that their companies were providing relevant and quality training and development opportunities.  Only 20% of the employees agreed.  A critical factor in employee engagement is the belief that there is a meaningful career path ahead.

    If such growth possibilities are not available or not easily accessed, employees are likely to look elsewhere for chances to enhance their professional knowledge and skills.  Make sure your employees have consistent opportunities to learn and grow.

  2. Employees Want To Have a Say
    When there is a system for employee feedback, employees feel empowered. When you actively involve employees, they know their opinions are valued and will be acted upon. This is most critical during the first 3 months of new employee orientation and assimilation.

    If new hires have a mechanism to share their thoughts, they feel a much more important part of the organization and sense that they have a voice in the organization’s future direction.

  3. Social Responsibility Creates Meaning
    While the survey found that only about one-third of employees are highly engaged, the report also stated that, when an organization adheres to a socially responsible agenda as a part of their leadership development, there is a positive impact on engagement numbers.

    Employees like to know their organization is giving back to the community and are more committed (read engaged) to those companies that serve others.  A culture that has purpose and a broader mission than just making money attracts, engages and retains talented employees.

The Bottom Line
Companies that care about getting the most out of their employees need to take advantage of these employee engagement ideas. Leaders today have no excuses for not knowing what employees are thinking. A simple process for collecting continuous feedback can avoid unforeseen problems and miscommunications that lead to discontent.  Have you asked your work force lately what matters most?

To learn more employee engagement ideas, download The Research-backed Relationship between Engagement and Manager Effectiveness

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