Not All Employee Engagement Strategies Work
When it comes to increasing levels of employee advocacy, discretionary effort, and intent to stay, some employee engagement strategies are better than others.
If you are serious about improving your workplace performance and achieving outstanding levels of employee engagement, you need to recognize that increasing employee engagement is not easy. But the payback is significant.
Companies with Higher Levels of Employee Engagement Report
Companies with Lower Levels of Employee Engagement Report
How Do You Become a Great Place to Work?
How do you become a great place to work and follow through on your commitment to greater employee engagement? It takes genuine interest in employee feedback, sound data, hard work, and employee engagement strategies that are designed to have a true impact on the people AND the business.
That’s what can make the difference between superficial promises of a better work environment and meaningful change.
5 Game Winning Employee Engagement Strategies That Work
Here are five recommendations for your overall employee engagement strategies so you, too, can be a winner at the “game” of achieving a winning level of employee advocacy, discretionary effort, and intent to stay:
Your first survey should ask specifically for feedback. In subsequent surveys, you should add questions that measure the company’s ability to follow up like:
“Did your manager share survey results with the team?” “Did your team come up with a plan of action to respond to the issues raised?” “Do you believe that company leaders are fully committed to addressing and solving those issues?” “Has anything changed as a result of the employee survey? If so, what?”
Begin with a high-level summary of results by the CEO at an all-hands session. Include the topic of employee engagement at all team meetings – large and small. Welcome discussions on how to build engagement strength and where to look for areas of opportunity.
Then, create cross-functional teams that commit to coming up with recommendations on how to increase engagement in a few of those promising areas. Make sure that those recommendations are shared with senior leaders so they have the information they need for taking engagement actions specific to their area of the business.
Then give managers the full authority and responsibility to take ownership for addressing and handling their team’s top engagement issues in away that aligns with the company’s strategic priorities and culture.
The Bottom Line
Just about any corporate initiative that succeeds has clear goals, shared results, active employee involvement, and leadership’s follow-through. Actively include everyone in the conversation about how and where to measure, improve, and sustain employee engagement over time. Then the winners’ podium is yours.
To learn more about game winning employee engagement strategies, download The Top 10 Most Powerful Ways to Boost Employee Engagement.
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