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Founded in 1995, we are a business consulting, coaching, and training firm that helps companies grow faster and become more profitable while improving employee performance, engagement, and retention. We do this by aligning their culture and talent with their strategy.
Who We Work With – Leaders
Our clients are typically mid-market leaders of high-tech, life-sciences, and service companies who want to avoid the culture and talent mistakes that keep so many great strategies from becoming a reality. They want more than what traditional consulting and training approaches can deliver. They think systemically and demand results.
What We Do – 3X Alignment™
We get results by creating strategic clarity, building high performance cultures, and differentiating talent. We call this 3X Alignment™. Operationally, we are organized in seven key practice areas: Sales, Loyalty, Leadership, Management, Project Management, Change, and Assessment & Measurement.
What We Know – 3X Alignment™ Research
Highly aligned companies grow revenue 58% faster and are 72% more profitable while outperforming unaligned companies at compelling rates:
Our Guarantee – Pay for Performance Results
We formally measure everything we do and tie our compensation to quantifiable outcomes for your business. Fiercely devoted to the success of our clients, we guarantee results.
Explore real world results for clients like you striving to create higher performance