Faster Organizational Learning – Your Competitive Edge
Many of today’s leaders understand that their people are their distinct competitive advantage. They rely on their people to succeed and they recognize that their business results depend on large part on faster organizational learning based upon the right talent management strategy. It’s a matter of getting the right people with the right capabilities in the right positions to consistently learn, perform, and adjust – faster than the competition.
And faster is important. Winning organizations need not only to institutionalize a successful talent management approach, they also need to add speed to the equation.
Organizational Learning Should Not Be Static
To stay competitive, individuals, teams, and organizations need to continuously learn new things and apply them expeditiously. New knowledge alone is not enough. How that knowledge can move the strategy forward, improve the way work gets done, and serve customers is what matters. And the speed with which that application and change occurs has a direct correlation to the speed at which companies survive and thrive.
Organizational Learning Should Be Dynamic
To maintain your talent edge, you need to approach organizational learning and the rate of learning on various fronts:
The Bottom Line
Today’s constantly changing business environment compels companies to rely not just on their plans and forecasts. To win in today’s marketplace, you need to be able to capitalize on discovery and adapt to what you learn.
To learn more about how to create faster organizational learning, download How to Fast Track Your Leaders with Just-in-Time Action Learning
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