Better Manage Customer Complaints to Improve Customer Loyalty
Did you know that the majority of customers (some report up to 95%) who receive timely satisfaction after lodging a complaint will come back to purchase again? These are customers you want to recapture – not only because they are future buyers but also because you don’t want them spreading any word of dissatisfaction.
Dissatisfied Customers Hurt Business
Research has shown that a typical dissatisfied customer will tell eight to ten people about their problem. One in five will tell twenty. And it takes twelve positive service incidents to make up for one negative incident.
How to Better Manage Customer Complaints
Managing customer complaints then becomes a critical part of your customer care training programs and culture. Do you even have a process for handling different types of complaints? If not, design one. If so, be sure that it encompasses the following:
The Bottom Line
While not every customer complaint is a direct signal that something is wrong, they are always an opportunity to get and act upon feedback. Is your customer care team set up to consistently deliver prompt and courteous attention to complaining customers to transform them into loyal and dedicated customers?
To learn more about how to better manage customer complaints to improve customer loyalty, download How to Move Customers from Loyalists to Advocates
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