It is Not Easy to Execute a Winning Strategy
If you really want your company to make its way into the winner’s circle, you have to put together (and stick to) a plan to execute a winning strategy. It is not enough to just design a winning plan; you have to actually execute your strategy work throughout the entire organization.
Strategy Execution is the Most Difficult Part
On an individual level, just think of all the New Year’s resolutions and diets that start with solid plans and good intentions but fail. Individual change is difficult enough. Organizational change, especially when it comes to strategy execution, is more complex and has more at stake for more people.
Four Experience-based Tips to Ensure You Fully Execute a Winning Strategy
After thirty years of helping clients create strategic clarity and execute bold plans for success, we can offer four experience-based tips to help ensure you execute a winning strategy and follow through on your strategic plans:
The lack of relevance and strategic urgency can defeat the best intended strategic plans. If you want to fully implement your strategy, figure out what really matters and only define goals and accountabilities that are worth the effort. In essence, it must matter enough to gain full commitment and focus.
You will know you are on the right track when everyone agrees with the strategic direction you are heading in and believes your company has the right mindset and talent to see the plan through to fruition.
Michael Phelps certainly faced downturns in his life. Somehow he redirected his energies on the next opportunity for Olympic greatness and now he’s the most decorated Olympian athlete of all time. He did not let his failures define him. He renegotiated his future and planned anew. Have you done the same for your employees?
The key is to keep the conversation, engagement, and momentum going forward.
The Bottom Line
If you want to fully execute a winning strategy, decide what matters, leverage your uniqueness, focus on the future and eliminate potential barriers. Then go for it and be prepared to learn and adjust.
If you want to learn if your strategy is clear enough to implement, download 7 Ways to Stress Test Your Strategy
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