Many Things Can Sabotage Success as a New Leader
Data from our leadership simulation assessments and an analysis of thousands of 360° reports highlights the weaknesses that can undo even the most promising new leaders.
Great leaders create the circumstances for their teams to thrive and perform at their peak. Great leaders pursue excellence. Great leaders are easy and rewarding to follow.
Unfortunately, too many leaders get complacent. They become self-satisfied and play it safe. Leadership is never easy; it takes an ongoing commitment to doing and being your best. High performing leaders have learned to avoid these six common leadership traps.
Six Common Leadership Traps that Can Sabotage Success as a New Leader
Be sure that you don’t fall into any one of the following six leadership traps or you may find that your weaknesses overwhelm your strengths. Not a good way to start off in a new leadership role.
- Failure to Paint a Clear and Compelling View of the Future
Our organizational alignment research shows that strategic clarity accounts for 31% of the difference between high and low performing teams. It also found that executive teams find the strategy two times more clear than those who report to them. Even though you and your senior management team may be definite on the organization’s strategic priorities, effective leaders ensure their teams fully understand and believe in both the overall strategy and their contribution required to make it happen.
Employees need and want to know where they fit into the big picture — how what they do directly contributes to the whole. There is little satisfaction in coming to work every day without knowing where all your effort is headed.
To not fall into this leadership trap, actively discuss and debate your strategy with your work force until they: (1) understand the overall business strategy, (2) know how their work directly contributes to the whole, (3) believe the strategy will lead to successful results, and (4) feel the company will commit to fully implementing the strategy across the company.
To read the final 5 traps, please download 6 Traps That Can Sabotage Success as a New Leader