Leadership Style and Managerial Effectiveness

Leadership Style and Managerial Effectiveness
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Redwood Shores, CA – LSA Global, the premier one-stop performance consulting and training firm that helps high growth life science, technology, and service companies create a competitive advantage by powerfully aligning their culture and talent with strategy, today announced results from their clients who attended a six-month action learning leadership development program called Leadership Style and Managerial Effectiveness:

  • 97.5% Job Relevance
  • 94% Satisfaction
  • 125% Knowledge Gain
  • 89% Net Promoter Score

The 6-month leadership development training program is an intense, engaging, and highly participative process that includes:

  1. Initial 360° Leadership Style and Managerial Effectiveness Survey and Report
    The 360 degree feedback report is compiled through the use of an online survey, completed by eight-to-ten direct reports, peers, and direct supervisor.
  2. Pre-Workshop Data Analysis
    LSA analyzes the 360° feedback report and identifies common threads associated with strengths and areas for improvement. These are then reviewed in the seminar and become the basis for the Leadership Action Plan.
  3. Onsite Leadership Development
    Participants learn-by-doing in teams of six to seven led by a facilitator-coach. Each person has an opportunity to lead the team and to identify “learnings” that apply back at work. These insights, coupled with practical tools, 360 feedback, and peer coaching result in powerful action strategies that transfer directly back to the work environment.

    Each day begins with emotional intelligence practice, followed by short presentations, small group discussions around case studies of real time situations at work, peer coaching, feedback and advice from our world class facilitator-coaches. Our “deep learning” methodology combines intellectual understanding with personal insight, and “practice, practice, practice” to build one’s leadership repertoire.

  4. Individual and Group Coaching
    We believe that learning is a process that coaching greatly enhances. Leaders are scheduled into team teleconferences two weeks and two months after the live seminar to discuss insights and implementation of their action plans. For additional support, they are invited to call in on an individual basis for a period of six-months following the seminar event.
  5. Resurvey and Coaching
    Eight to ten months after the seminar, participants are invited to resurvey their initial survey respondents to get feedback on their perceived efforts to improve their leadership impact. The Follow-Up report that results is then reviewed with the same coach who led the team at the seminar in order to reinforce improvements and further development.
  6. Leadership Action Plan
    A rigorous and actionable plan is developed and reviewed at the end of the seminar and becomes the basis for the follow-up coaching. Each participant walks away with goals and a detailed action plan that:

    • Has been tested with organizational peers and the executive facilitator
    • Helps to develop personal mastery and leadership style
    • Has a high probability of success
    • Gets them and their team to the next level

Because the program spans a period of six months and involves a small group of leaders, participants are able to learn and practice in real-life scenarios, test out new leadership skills and then come together again for review, reflection, and sharing of different perspectives.

About LSA Global
Founded in 1995, LSA Global is a leading performance consulting and training firm that helps high growth technology, services, and life-science companies create a competitive advantage by powerfully aligning their culture and talent with their strategy. Learn more about getting aligned.

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