Whitepaper Download: 5 Sales Coaching Best Practices

Whitepaper Download: 5 Sales Coaching Best Practices.

Whitepaper Download: 5 Sales Coaching Best Practices.  Without Sales Performance Coaching, reinforcement of any sales training or sales methodology becomes difficult. In our experience, to change behavior and performance, you must have both proper training as well as an appropriate methodology and reinforcement to be successful.

Sales Coaching is based upon the premise that skill building is the beginning, not the end.  Sales coaching helps bring the methodology to life customer-by-customer and deal-by-deal. A good sales coach focuses on the consistent cadence of emphasizing key skills, behaviors and evidence through the buying process.  With coaching reinforcement, the process of changing sales behavior and outcomes becomes the norm.

A coach’s goal is to ensure that we bring out the best in each sales person. A good sales performance coach reviews each situation on its own merits, and focuses on ensuring that the mechanics are done properly. By taking this tack, the sales performance coach ensures that there is an objective view of each deal and points out steps that may help the sales person change the game and win the deal.  A good coach will also focus on simplicity of execution. Coaching is not about being the “methodology police.” A sales person should walk away from the coaching session feeling more confident and feeling that they need to address one area or another to improve their chances of winning a deal, but not feeling that the coach just added unnecessary work to their plate.

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