How to Onboard New Sales Reps – Best Practices and Warning Signs
Because it takes time and money to onboard new sales reps and get them up-to-speed and because buyers want stability, most of our clients want their sales force to stay over the long term. While the desired length of time is unique to each business model, less than twelve months seems universally unacceptable and three-to-ten years of tenure appears to be an attractive range for most sales leaders.
It all starts with hiring right. If you did your homework as a sales manager and hired well, your new hire will have the right interpersonal, motivational and intellectual competencies to thrive on the job and in your corporate culture. But your job as team leader is not yet over. Then you must know why top sales talent leaves. It is as much your responsibility to keep “A” players on the sales team and successful as it is to select them in the first place. That means that you have to keep an eye on the top three reasons that most salespeople leave.
In this Sales Onboarding and Retention Best Practices Whitepaper Download, you will learn the top 3 reasons sales reps quit and the top 6 new hire onboarding tips and warning signs to avoid. To download the Sales Onboarding and Retention Whitepaper, please complete the form. We will never sell, loan, or give your email or other personal information to anyone.
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