Download How to Successfully Recognize and Reward Organizational Change Article to stay ahead of the competition and make organizational change stick.
For organizational change to succeed, leaders should identify and acknowledge those who truly adopt the desired changes, clearly determine how to measure success, and openly reward the new behaviors. Effective change leaders know how to consistently recognize and reward change in order to keep both employees and leaders motivated to do their best.
Managers and leaders should consider appreciating others as a major responsibility – especially during times of major disruption. During uncertain and complex times when employees are being asked to do more than ever before, it is imperative to take time to notice and appreciate the right things.
In fact, our recent Employee Trends Report found recognition by superiors is one of the driving factors that contribute to higher levels of employee engagement across all industries, geographies, and levels. The research found that employees feel valued when they’re recognized; especially when the recognition is personal, meaningful, and proportionate. Are you doing what it takes to support your change efforts?
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