Download 3x Organizational Alignment Research Findings. We launched a research initiative to understand what distinguishes the winners from the losers. Our presupposition? Companies with the optimum combination of business strategy, corporate culture and talent outperform their peers. Was it true that “culture eats strategy for lunch?” Can top talent overcome culture dysfunction or fix poor business strategies? Does strategic planning still make sense when change and innovation seem to happen faster and faster?
To answer these questions, we identified twenty-six independent organizational alignment variables and measured them against fifteen dependent variables of organizational performance at 410 companies across eight industries. What we found? Highly aligned companies significantly outperform their peers in terms of revenue, profitability, customer retention, leadership effectiveness and employee engagement. And while all twenty-six organizational alignment factors had a high correlation to business performance, our Organizational Alignment Research Findings found seven organizational alignment factors matter most.
To download the 3x Organizational Alignment Research Findings, please complete the form to the right.
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