30 Habits of Successful Facilitators that Work

Research-backed Facilitation Best Practices

Download the article 30 Habits of Successful Facilitators that Work to learn the attributes, activities, tactics, and models of the most effective facilitators.

The effectiveness of any learning activity depends heavily on the flexibility of the facilitator. Whether you are a newcomer or an old-timer, modify activities before and during use based on the characteristics of the participants and the purpose of the activity to keep the different learning tensions within acceptable ranges

We spent the past 20 years doing field research. We interviewed and observed facilitators and the groups they facilitated in an attempt to identify the secrets of effective facilitation. These facilitators were selected on the basis of high ratings by their peers and participants for a positive process and productive results.

The research helped us to identify habits of successful facilitators that work including:

  • The top 5 overall effective facilitators attributes
  • The top 6 tensions in small-group activities that must be balanced by facilitators
  • The top 12 facilitation tactics to overcome group tensions
  • A research-backed 6-step model for effective facilitation

To download the 30 Habits of Successful Facilitators that Work Best Practices Whitepaper, please complete the form.  The 30 tips will provide the most effective facilitator attributes, the facilitation activities that work best to balance small group tensions, and a proven model for effective facilitation.

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