2 Steps for Every CHRO to Retain Top Performers Whitepaper Download
If you want your CHRO to Retain Top Performers, they must start by identifying which positions give their companies a direct and lasting competitive edge. Their next step should be creating clear and customized strategies to retain top performers who will fill those key roles.
Many talent leaders are going to great lengths – and great expense – to acquire and retain the top talent that matters most for their businesses now, and in the future. From decades of experience in working with CHROs, we have identified the six types of roles that have been most essential to organizational success for your CHRO to Retain Top Performers.
The good news for every CHRO to retain top performers is that retention efforts in key areas can have a powerful impact on both people and business performance. CHROs who develop successful retention strategies that fit these quite diverse roles will help their organizations gain a profound talent edge in the years ahead.
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